Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Book Raffles! #Excitement

Looking for a way to bring some excitement into the classroom? 
Try a book raffle! One of my blogging besties, Literacy for Big Kids,  is a book raffle pro! After reading her posts last year, I just had to try it out myself!

Plus, I just hit the mother load of books from our first Scholastic Book Order...
So after sorting and organizing the books... I chose five books from our Scholastic order and  Crenshaw from Amazon to put in our raffle! I made sure to give a few book talks yesterday to get the kids really excited about our raffle!

Here's the end result of our raffle... 
Please note: I had every blogger intention to take photos of the adorable set up... but then life and teaching happened. My step up included these $1 buckets from Target and this book stand, also from Target.
Students took all the books home to be the FIRST reader! My two Crenshaw winners know they will get their copies in the morning and until then we have a stand-in in place!

Students were so excited to be the FIRST to check out new books! They also loved that EVERYONE was able to participate or hold their tickets for an upcoming book raffle! Both classes begged me to draw the tickets before the end of the year! #Excitement. The next questions was, "When's the next book raffle?"

Need quick tickets? Click {here}.

I just printed on Astrobrights for a pop of color and so kids could find them if they were saving them in their pencil pouch.

Here's some things to remember if you're planning your own book raffle! 
How do you keep the #excitement alive in your classroom?


Please leave me some blogger love. Your comments give me great ideas for making this blog even better! -- Amanda

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