Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Week of Thanks: H!

Today, I'm back linking up with the girls at Blog Hoppin' for their Week of Giving linky. H was hard to pin down. I love time at the holidays and I feel like school at times can be my home, however, if I'm keeping with a week of thanks... I couldn't make it through the year without...

I'm so lucky we have such great and supportive parents in our community. I know that it is a true blessing to have. Without our great parents and PTO, I know my time would not be as efficiently used. I've had parents help precheck my homework, grade spelling homework, make copies, hang bulletin boards, staple book orders, cut items for projects and plan class parties. They also donated breakfast for our Veteran's Day celebration and offer up some great "prizes" for our Lemonade Day! Plus, their kind words over the years have been true sanity savers. I can't thank them enough for all their help each year!

To my wonderful parents, thanks for everything!


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  7. Kudos to those parents and to teachers.


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