Friday, January 29, 2016

Five for #Friyay!

I haven't linked up in a very long time with Five for Friday! Is it just me or has this been a SUPER long week? So, I'm linking up to share my #FriYays of the week!

We've been practicing our on demand essay skills this week during Reading Workshop. Students have been reading their book club novels and connecting the themes of various novels. Students have been rocking some HARD questions using the "PEEL" model!

Here's my anchor chart and a students' response for today's on demand writing!

This week, we've also been super pumped to move on to new books in our book clubs! I've had so many kids reading two or more books for this book club! Look at all the great books and students' choices! Also, notice the lack of "A's" for abandon. That means we have some great book choices!

I've also been reading, reading, reading! I love sharing my love of reading with my students. My Pintresting reading board is bright and full of great books for students! My students have also enjoyed analyzing my book choices and habits.

As a school we celebrated the end to our reading challenge. Our school foundation sponsors the fundraiser and reading challenge. It's a great way to celebrate reading and raise money for technology and grants for students and teachers! This year we read over 500,000 minutes and raised over $37,000. Wow! To reward the kids, we played a staff dodge ball game against other teachers and administrators! We didn't make it to the final game against the principals but we had a great name and cute shirts. That's what counts, right?

It's #FriYay! I'm exhaust but when I came home my Facebook and the local news was a buzz about students at our high school. They created a great video for a wonderful cause! It truly made my teacher heart happy!

Hope you had a great Friday as well!
Here's to FriYay! 


  1. I really like the idea of posting about the books you are currently reading and recommendations to your students.

    1. I also have a display of my most current books right outside my door. It has what I'm currently reading and the book I've just finished. My students love seeing what I like :) It's a great way to create a buzz about new (or old) books!

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  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your Pinteresting way of sharing your reads with your students! I am also going to have to give your PEEL method a try with my kiddos!

    1. Thanks! There are a lot of free resources out there. It just seems to click with my kids. I like it too because it forces the kids to write a complete paragraph to answer a question. You can also keep using PEEL to write a multiple paragraph essay. Hope it goes well for you!

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  3. I loved your school's video mashup - so much fun!!

  4. It is good to see that you have very good collection of book to read and i am sure that are helpful in paper writing service also by the way you are looking very nice with you team and looking happy also that is good.

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